MIDI DUOTEC industrial fastener

MIDIDUOTEC fastener by Binder

The DUOTEC family of industrial mushroom fasteners offers three thicknesses – mushroom heights. This makes it possible to achieve an effective closure with different thicknesses of such a connection. The principle of the mushroom-to-mushroom connection remains the same, but the size of a single mushroom changes.

Today we present the Mididuotec fastener ( code: 76460 ). The thickness of its closure varies between 2.3 mm and 3.2 mm, depending on the adhesive layer. The number of 122 mushrooms / 1 cm2 translates into a closing force of 15 N / 1 cm2.

It is available with two different types of adhesive or in a non-adhesive version. Operating temperature ranges extend between: minus 30 degrees C to plus 160 degrees C.


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These features create an effective, strong bond that is used where traditional Duotec is too thick, without detracting from its versatility.

Its versatility means that the application is practically defined by the user. It is recommended for creating connections in:

  • printing,
  • advertising,
  • electronics,
  • automation,
  • interior finishing,
  • automotive
  • and in any solution where the customer sees it.

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